GUADI:Google Audio Indexing from google labs - Tips4ever


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Oct 19, 2008

GUADI:Google Audio Indexing from google labs

"to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful"- its a google's mission.So by near future you will be searching for videos not only by their TITLES but also the words spoken by them in the video.... GUADI :Google Audio Indexing tries to make it easier for people to find and consume spoken content from videos on the Web. What is Google Audio Indexing?

Google Audio Indexing is a new technology from Google that allows users to better search and watch videos from various YouTube channels. It uses speech technology to find spoken words inside videos and lets the user jump to the right portion of the video where these words are spoken.

Searching inside a video

With Google Audio Indexing, you can also restrict your search to the content of a given video. By default, the "Search inside this video" uses the same query term as the video search. To search for a different term, just type your query in the text form under the video player and press the "Search within this video" button. The mention results are displayed underneath. The yellow markers on the timeline are updated accordingly and you can access the information just like before, using mouse over.