A sitemap is a list of pages of a website typically organized in hierarchical fashion accessible to crawlers or users, in other word index of all website pages. This helps visitors and search engine bots find pages on the site. It is default in www.domain.com/sitemap.xml path and format. But we all are bloggers there is no feature to upload the file to your blog space. But we had the feature atom feeds the file save in http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/at om. xml path and format. There is a step by step process to submit your blogger blog sitemap to Google by using Google Webmaster Tools.
http://yourblog.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=1 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
http://yourblog.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=501 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
http://yourblog.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=1001 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=1 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=501 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/at om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse &am p;s tar t-i nde x=1001 &am p;m ax- res ult s=5 00
- Login to the Google Webmaster Tools.
- Under Site configuration, click Sitemaps.
- In the text box, type either atom.xml or rss.xml. For example, if you add the Atom feed as a Sitemap, the full URL will be http://yourblog.blogspot.com/atom.xml. example: (http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/atom.xml ).
- If we use Feedburner or any feed redirect use as http://yourblog.blogspot.com/at
om. xml ?re dir ect =fa lse example: (http://tips4ever.blogspot.com/atom.xml?re dir ect =fa lse )
Sitemap submitting is finish!