Recover from Drive not open in double click - Tips4ever


Hi this is Mahesh, Tips4ever is my IT Journey to technology, computers, software, Internet and much more....

Aug 25, 2007

Recover from Drive not open in double click

Now a days in computer drives ar not open in double click and it will open on right click explore it can solved by many methods and fallow the code This BATCH file program that removes AUTORUN.INF file from the infected computers. A virus or worm creats this file in a root of a drive so that when ever the drive is opened the virus or worm is ran. Here is a simple code to remove it: (start copying from the next line down): cd\ c: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf d: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf e: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf f: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf g: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf h: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf i: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf j: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf k: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf l: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf m: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf n: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf o: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf p: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf q: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf r: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf s: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf t: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf u: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf v: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf w: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf x: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf y: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf z: attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf del autorun.inf copy this in a NOTEPAD file, then save the notepad file as : "file.bat" and then run it to remove all the rubbish of autorun copy from "CD\" to "del AUTORUN.INF" and added drive letter are for some computers using memory card readers or removable disks. or several harddrives. well....... i hope this solve the problem....... its fast and relaiable ... your problem will be fixed after you run that bat file RESTART (COpied) If the above trick is not working. Just download the anti_autorun.exe(108kb) and run in your local PC it will remove 32 typpes and formates of autorun threads. If it is also not work try in your own ways and send to me.