Slowly loading blog is one of the big drawback to the blog and blogger. It will be solve by the following steps.
Javascripts is very hot thing in blogging for different function. So it is must and should to the blogs and the same time it is bad to blog loading. We can solve it by the follow.
- Remove unnecessary, unused, unknown third-party scripts form the blog .
- If any scripts is must to your blog maximum try to use alternative light-weight scripts which you want.
- Mostly try to insert that scripts in last of the blog it means after the blog content.
- Remove unnecessary and unused images from the blog template.
- Compress images with image compress tools or with Gimp .
- Using good and light-weight image formates like PNG and JPEG recommended this two are best to the blogging or for websites. GIF image formate is also is best.
- Hosting your images in the image hosting sites like Picasa, Flockr, photobucket and more... we can speed-up loading images in the your blog because there server have a special technology to load image quickly. users have no problem to host there images in the image hosting sites it will automatically uploads images to Picasa webalbum when you are posting.
- Minimize number of images inserting in the posting.
- We can also optmize your images on Dynamic Drive, Image Reducer, Net Mechanic Spin Wave and much more...
- Limit number of postings on your blog homepage.
- If you want to index more... no. of posting it is better to display or show only title of the posting with 250 characters of body of the post. It means only shows the Title of the post and the 250 characters of post body.
- Use Slash (/) at the end of URL address like .
- Use Validate code to build the template.
- Build your blog template and Validate it is support to all browsers.
- Refer for standard code on .